Monday, December 13, 2010

Your right to be Gay

      I agree with Rachel Maddow in her blog Your right to be gay. If you are gay you have the right to say so if you please.

      Many people go through everyday life scared to show who they really are because of what people will think. I believe if you have the guts to stand up and say that you are gay, you should be respected. I understand that many people still today think it is the "ungodly" thing to do. However if you liked someone before you found out they were gay, why once you find out they are, you don't?
     Does being gay affect how you serve your country? Does it affect what you believe in? No, it doesn't. Someone in the military shouldn't be let go because of their sexuality. They still feel the same; and are willing to fight to save our freedom. Just because you might be fighting with a gay man doesn't change the fact that he is there for the same reasons you are.
      Rachel is right when she says "It is wrong to force gay military personnel to stay silent about their sexual orientation, just as it was wrong to force African Americans to ride in the back of the bus and go to different schools."
     Once everyone sees that its not a big deal to be gay the military will slowly let it go as well.

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