Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Tax Cuts

              Is it really fair to cut taxes for the middle class and raise them for the rich? I say no. Yes, taxes can and tend to be hard on the poor. They either work too many hours in a day to try and meet ends meet or just are lazy and sit around doing nothing all day. Same with the rich though; they either work their butts off for their money or they were born into it and do nothing to make money. Both sides are very similar yet so different based on their income. So why punish the rich for their money? Why have them pay more taxes than lower income families? Just because they have money doesn't mean our government should tax them more."To show our position very clearly that Democrats support tax cuts for the middle class. We think it is fairer thing to do and is necessary at this time in our economy," (Pelosi) Why is it so necessary to do tax cuts for the middle class? Honestly I think that the rich has all the same rights to their money as the middle class. We shouldnt raise taxes on the higher income just because they have more money and lower on the low income cuz they don't have as much. If they lower taxes it should be on everyone. Everyone has a right to what they earn.

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