Monday, December 13, 2010

Your right to be Gay

      I agree with Rachel Maddow in her blog Your right to be gay. If you are gay you have the right to say so if you please.

      Many people go through everyday life scared to show who they really are because of what people will think. I believe if you have the guts to stand up and say that you are gay, you should be respected. I understand that many people still today think it is the "ungodly" thing to do. However if you liked someone before you found out they were gay, why once you find out they are, you don't?
     Does being gay affect how you serve your country? Does it affect what you believe in? No, it doesn't. Someone in the military shouldn't be let go because of their sexuality. They still feel the same; and are willing to fight to save our freedom. Just because you might be fighting with a gay man doesn't change the fact that he is there for the same reasons you are.
      Rachel is right when she says "It is wrong to force gay military personnel to stay silent about their sexual orientation, just as it was wrong to force African Americans to ride in the back of the bus and go to different schools."
     Once everyone sees that its not a big deal to be gay the military will slowly let it go as well.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Tax Cuts

              Is it really fair to cut taxes for the middle class and raise them for the rich? I say no. Yes, taxes can and tend to be hard on the poor. They either work too many hours in a day to try and meet ends meet or just are lazy and sit around doing nothing all day. Same with the rich though; they either work their butts off for their money or they were born into it and do nothing to make money. Both sides are very similar yet so different based on their income. So why punish the rich for their money? Why have them pay more taxes than lower income families? Just because they have money doesn't mean our government should tax them more."To show our position very clearly that Democrats support tax cuts for the middle class. We think it is fairer thing to do and is necessary at this time in our economy," (Pelosi) Why is it so necessary to do tax cuts for the middle class? Honestly I think that the rich has all the same rights to their money as the middle class. We shouldnt raise taxes on the higher income just because they have more money and lower on the low income cuz they don't have as much. If they lower taxes it should be on everyone. Everyone has a right to what they earn.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Freedom of Speech

         In the beginning our founding fathers had a vision for the new world. They didn't want us to fall under the power of a king and not have a voice; so they made an amendment of Freedom of Speech. The things things that we as Americans can do with that power. We may protest what we wish and speak our minds, it also gives us the power so we are not under one ruler.
     In the blog i just read by Christy Eastman tells about how a lawsuit brought by a father against a church group that protested at his son's funeral in 2006.  The man's son was a U.S. marine killed during active duty in Iraq.  The church group believes that U.S. soldiers are being killed because our country in too tolerant of homosexuals. They protested by putting signs up saying "thanks god for dead soldiers"
     As bad as that is they do have the right to do that. Yes, it is unethical and unchristian of them but they have the freedom of speech. I do not agree with the church for saying this, they are supposed to be Christan's and follow God; God loves everyone. However I do agree with Christy, we cant change what the founding fathers fought for. As much as it did hurt the father his son did die for the church's right just like Christy said.

Friday, October 29, 2010

U.S Government:Into the Third Depression

        Over the past few year many Americans have found themselves without a job. Companies are becoming to big causing them to lay off people. America is saying to cut Government spending but what will that do?? It will just end up with more families finding themselves without a job and trying to meet ends meet. Yes, the government is spending a lot of money and we are in huge dept, but what about us? We spend money on stuff we don't even use; such as television shows or new "toys" whatever that might be for one. The government spending can help us get out of the recession which is what we want! Yet we blame the thing that can help us get out of our situation because we can not face the problems ourselves. We too can pull ourselves out of this hole. I understand that it might be hard to get a job once being let go, but it is not impossible. You can get a job, may not be one that you want but instead people will just blame the government instead of looking at themselves and saying "I can take this job until something better comes up" America should start doing things themselves and not blame other people.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Sea life

            A few months ago everyone was wondering what we should do about the oil spill. Few people put it into their own hands like Leanne Sacro did. True everyone wanted to help; but wanting and doing are completely different things. Mark Guarino told Leanne’s story. Leanne went around collecting crabs from off the beach and cleaning the crabs off, after they were clean she took them to a clean beach to be free into the ocean again. Soon she had a few people helping her out from around the area and before you know it she had plenty more. How did she get so many? She used one of the world’s most addicting webpage, facebook. By telling the story she was able to get people involved instead of them wondering how to help she told them. Guarino tells how anyone can make a difference it’s just an idea that you put into action. Guarino should tell more stories of how to help the sea life. It isn’t hard that if someone who did really want to help could. The more stories there are the more people get inspired. Though Leanne’s story is, there are plenty more to help everyone get involved and so many ways there are which Guarino leaves out. We can all help and we all have the power to do so. Just like Leanne, many people are helping and we should all follow their example.

Friday, October 1, 2010


Many people have their dream of what they wish to do when they retire. Some wish to pick of things that they enjoyed when they were younger, some to travel and some to just relax and enjoy life. However for small business owners that opportunity seems to be declining. Now over 69% of people say that they will retire when they are over 65 years or not at all; in fear that they will not have enough money. In 2007 8 in 10 owners of small businesses said they had enough money to retire comfortably now today in 2010 fewer than 2 in 10 feel that way.
Regardless how you view retirement, small-business owners do have retirement worries that the recession and financial crisis of the past several years have exacerbated. Many people worry that when they retire they wont be able to maintain the life they now live and enjoy. The economic crisis has done great damage, seeing that many Americans have lost their jobs, incomes have declined and lost their homes. Many Are now seeing a economy that will never be rebuild.
Jacobe is right when she states that small business owners do have an advantage, they love what they do. Does that mean that one day they will want to retire but cant? Or do they just say they cant so they still have what they all love so much. In away it would be retired if they love it, isn’t that was retirement is about; doing something you love?

Friday, September 17, 2010

Recently President Obama pulled troops out of Iraq. Is that the best thing? How will the other countries react? I personally think that it isn’t a good idea. I believe that we still need to be there watching and teaching people a different way of life. Yes, people miss there families very much and I understand that. However I would rather people stay in Iraq and other terrorist countries than and other attack. In this article Romney takes aim on Obama and states what he thinks. I think it is important to see all views on this situation.,0,7072273.story