Friday, September 3, 2010

My eyes

I honestly don't keep up with the news or current events. I have to say that I disagree with almost everything that they say and/or do. As proven in the political ideology test I am Disaffected. Meaning that I don’t really fit in a group or disagree with a group on all issues and it shows up many times.

I can never really be pleased by the government because I would always do it differently; or I would half way agree and half way disagree on subjects such as war. The troops will be pulled out of Iraq soon; I believe they should be home safe and sound so I am glad for that. However once that happens what will happen to us? Will we have more terrorist attacks? Will we just have to go to another war in a few years or months?

Many government decisions confuse me. I don’t know what they are thinking or what their plan is. How can I know that they are thinking of me when they put in their decisions? That’s what I hope to get out of this government class. I hope to be able to see their views, their ideas, and how they plan things for our nation.

I know I most likely will never be able to keep up on all the current events or even be able to discuses them fluently, but I know that I will have the big picture and I will be bold about what I think.

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