Sunday, November 14, 2010

Freedom of Speech

         In the beginning our founding fathers had a vision for the new world. They didn't want us to fall under the power of a king and not have a voice; so they made an amendment of Freedom of Speech. The things things that we as Americans can do with that power. We may protest what we wish and speak our minds, it also gives us the power so we are not under one ruler.
     In the blog i just read by Christy Eastman tells about how a lawsuit brought by a father against a church group that protested at his son's funeral in 2006.  The man's son was a U.S. marine killed during active duty in Iraq.  The church group believes that U.S. soldiers are being killed because our country in too tolerant of homosexuals. They protested by putting signs up saying "thanks god for dead soldiers"
     As bad as that is they do have the right to do that. Yes, it is unethical and unchristian of them but they have the freedom of speech. I do not agree with the church for saying this, they are supposed to be Christan's and follow God; God loves everyone. However I do agree with Christy, we cant change what the founding fathers fought for. As much as it did hurt the father his son did die for the church's right just like Christy said.